Friday, October 25, 2013

Emerging Wireless Risks To Consider

With the increase use of wireless technologies and BYOD to work comes more security concerns and real security risks ....  Information stealing, privacy issues, loss of Intellectual Property that can cause companies to lose everything.  Signals Defenses brings the Secure Work Environment - Attenuating the RF/IR signals that penetrate the workspace, thus mitigating the exfiltration of sensitive information. 
RF Signal Leakage


Potential Risks and Wireless Security:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Operating with Privacy in the Wild,Wild West of Wireless Technologies

US Cyber Security Magazine has just launched it's first edition on October 1, 2013. 
Signals Defenses & Wilhelm Commercial Builders describe in detail how a company's location can be secured from modern threats by implementing  Physical, IT and Technical Security. 

Article is found on pages 10-13:
US Cyber Security ''Operating with Privacy in the Wild, Wild West of Wireless Technologies'