Wednesday, May 29, 2013

US military alarmed by breach of critical weapons data to China

by: Press TV
“When the list was read to independent defense experts, they said they were shocked by the extent of the cyber-espionage and the potential for compromising US defenses.”

U.S. Commercial Service Export Awarded to Signals Defenses, LLC

Signals Defenses is honored to receive the U.S. Commercial Service Export Achievement Award for small business entering into new international markets, continuing to export and establish new partnerships worldwide.


May 21,2013

"The Commercial Service award program is designed to showcase the important role that exporting plays in our nations economy, to highlight the contributions made by exporters and trade partners to their local communities and to recognize new exporters. By increasing the prominence and visibility of exporters and trade partners in their communities, the program encourages exporters to continue exporting and strengthens partnerships with existing clients.

- Paul Matino, International Trade Specialist
U.S. Commercial Service Baltimore , U.S. Department of Commerce

US Commercial Services | Domestic & International Offices:US Commercial Service/Export MD.Gov

International Trade Week Conference & Expo, May 2013:  MD/DC District Export Council

Thursday, May 9, 2013

BYOD - Security a Major Concern for Small Businesses

BYOD is causing concern for many CIO's in both large and small businesses.  There is an increase need to change security policy and find other ways to protecty companies from data leakage via mobile devices. 

eWEEK by Nathan Eddy; posted 5.8.2013 :  BYOD - Security a Major Concern for Small Businesses

Friday, May 3, 2013

Pentagon to OK Apple, Samsung Devices

The current proliferation of personal electronic devices (“PEDs”) in the workplace are expanding within the highest branches of the U.S. Government –  
"SD Technology is the least expensive method to mitigate the largest amount of eavesdropping threats"  -U.S. Department of Defense