Cyber 4.01 Conference 'Cyber Threats and How Businesses Can Fight Them'
Ron Waranowski, Partner & President of SD, representatives from KCI Protection Technologies & Wilhelm Commercial Builders were guest speakers at the Howard County Chamber of Commerce 4.01 Cyber Conference, May 29, 2013. The speakers elaborated on the various ways cyber criminals can compromise a businesses security posture and offered solutions for protecting electronic information and private conversations.
Mr. Bartko, special assistant for cyber to the director of the NSA, was the keynote speaker at the security conference. In his message he said "Intellectual property, private information, and even consumer items like music, movies and airline tickets are all kept and moved electronically. As a result, cyberspace is under constant attack from individuals and groups that steal information, disrupt businesses and government agencies and even destroy electronic systems and equipment.
Signals Defenses exhibited and demonstrated the key components of a Secure Work Environment (SWE). SD Technology attenuates RF/IR signals penetrating or exiting the workplace, thus mitigating the exfiltration of sensitive information.
For live demos we will be exhibiting at the ASIS Conference & Expo, Chicago, Sept 24-26. Or contact | 410.902.0356 to set an appointment at your offices or ours.